Style is not all about Designer Labels. You can always do with what you have in your closet and reinvent them if needed. I did this with what I wore yesterday to one of my bff's wedding ;-)
I love color blocking this summer and so I checked my closet and see what I can make with what I have. Since sheer maxi skirt is in nowadays, ok, i chose this neon tangerine, sheer/chiffon skirt in my closet:
The maxi skirt is really full at two meters so I need to wear a top that will make me look thin and so I thought of this corset:
The neon maxi skirt is so bright so I just find this corset top to have many colors or details (for me, white and fuschia is too much for the neon skirt hehe)
I decided then to buy a half meter violet cloth (at only P40 hehe) to cover this bustier so I could still have the fitted form of this bustier and achieve the plain color. So here are the pics of what I did:
1. Get my Styling Kit - thread, needle and scissors |
2. follow the form/shape of vintage corset with the violet cloth |
3. sew the sides to cover (sorry for the flash hehe) |
4. the finish product (ngweek, not perfect but its ok for me haha) |
I just added two accessories to my color blocking - orange belt and a bib necklace (c/o
Liza Kintanar) then presto!
Again, the fit is not perfect but I had fun in making this project hahaha I look forward to my next DIYs (Do It Yourself) ;D
Congratulations to my friend, Hazel Grace and Nolan Supat. Enjoy your honeymoon!